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Sam Pakan is the author of Jesse’s Seed.  He lives in Texas, where he raises cattle and debt.

About Sam Pakan:

Sam Pakan has spent the last thirty-six years pursuing his passion of raising range-fed beef cattle and working with Quarter Horses. Operating the ranch he grew up on, his love of the land is equaled only by his ardor for great books and powerful stories. Read more about Sam.

Award-winning author, Sam Pakan

About Jesse’s Seed

Jesses Seed-Book-3DIt’s autumn, 1941. The Nazis have fired on the USS Greer; London is ablaze, and the streets of Leningrad are red with blood. Still, David Dremmer is content to work his father’s ranch and dream of his best friend’s wife.

When the United States finally enters the war, David escapes his father’s disappointment and a loveless marriage by enlisting in the Air Corps. His choice proves fateful. His B-17 is shot down over Belgium. Now he is in the hands of the Nazis, and a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues as Second Lieutenant David Dremmer wages a private war with the Luftwaffe, the Wehrmacht, and his own conscience to save the life of a beautiful Resistance operative. It’s then he discovers that the weakness that has kept him from his dreams is, in fact, the key to becoming who he was born to be.

An award-winning, lyrical novel, Jesse’s Seed explores the power of choice, finality, love, and redemption.



About A Bed in Sheol

Having been shot down over Belgium, Lieutenant David Dremmer falls into the hands of a man who has become his nemesis. And his friend. The game of cat and mouse resumes as Dremmer seeks help from the Resistance and is taken into a dark world filled with deception and treachery.

And there’s Nicole, the beautiful Resistance operative, who travels the length and breadth of Europe to ensure David’s survival and eventually helps him in a daring attempt to hasten the end of the war. And she does so while battling the duplicity of her superiors at the top of the intelligence network.


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    • Mark Powell on August 22, 2015 at 3:31 pm
    • Reply

    Can’t wait for Jesse’s Seed to come out, and buy my copy!

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:13 pm
      • Reply

      Let us know what you thought!

    • Bessie Brobst on August 31, 2015 at 2:51 pm
    • Reply

    Can’t wait to read

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:13 pm
      • Reply

      And I can’t wait to hear your response!

  1. This book makes me wish I had unlimited time to binge-read. Intelligent, suspenseful, spiritually and psychologically probing, inhabited with characters whose too-real struggles you want to continue resolving. I don’t want to give away too much, but this novel does what my favorite novels do: make you love the one you originally resent. I most enjoyed the cathartic conclusion, and David’s refreshingly humorous wit in moments of confrontation.

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:10 pm
      • Reply

      Thank you, Ms. Spikes!

    • Chad Bird on March 10, 2017 at 8:49 pm
    • Reply

    Sam Pakan has given every reader a gift in this novel. His characters pulse with life. His dialogue flows along with ease. His language both exhilarates and makes you pause, like something that’s roller coaster ride and poetry perfectly combined. I fell in love with the book, the story, the characters within the first few pages. I’m counting the days until the next book is published.

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:10 pm
      • Reply

      Thanks so much, Chad!

    • Grace Dolak on March 10, 2017 at 8:51 pm
    • Reply

    Jesse’s Seed is a compelling story told well. I was drawn into David’s world, a world initially characterized by doubt and confusion, but which gained clarity as David discovered his true identity and pursued his destiny, a destiny much greater than he himself could have imagined possible. David’s story is a story of the triumph of the human spirit over time, place, and circumstance. Sam Pakan had me thinking about the meaning of my own life as I thought about the meaning of David”s and that is something that can be said about only a small handful of contemporary novelists.

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:10 pm
      • Reply

      Thank you, Ms. Dolak!

    • TPD on March 10, 2017 at 8:52 pm
    • Reply

    It’s been quite some time since I’ve found a novel that I was able to connect with in such a meaningful way. The characters are believable and well rounded, and I cared a great deal about what happened to them.

    Thematically, the book is centered around the reconciliation of rationalism and faith. While that tension will likely remain for centuries, the protagonist, David Dremmer, manages to expose Nihilism as an unsystematic philosophy based less on reason than emotion. Remarkably, this is achieved without the pitfalls of argument or philosophical muscle flexing.

    Instead, the young protagonist lives through the despair arising from Nihilism, identifies its source, rejects it, and discovers a purpose that has seemingly been waiting for him all along. Though I’m not prepared to take the same leap the protagonist takes, I am at least hopeful that such a leap might be rewarded.

    The story unfolds through alternating points of view, each allocated to a separate section. Though these POV section changes are frequent, they are also smooth and unambiguous, and the insights offered by the alternate characters’ perspectives are significant.

    The style is seductive and moving and is, for me, the most endearing feature of this beautiful book. Images are used in profound and powerful ways. Some are traditional, a few are biblical, but all are effective and skillfully handled. Several remain with me now, days after finishing the book, and I find myself thumbing through the pages and reading the passages again, savoring their power.

    Though some areas of conflict are resolved at the end of the book, a few rather significant ones are not. I was at first disappointed by this, but since this is “Book One,” I have to assume the remaining conflicts will be resolved in whatever is to follow.

    I will wait though not patiently.

      • Sam Pakan on October 27, 2017 at 5:12 pm
      • Reply

      Thank you so much! And yes, thematically that was precisely the intent.

    • Anita Gregg on January 16, 2018 at 8:36 pm
    • Reply

    Please tell me you are working feverishly on the sequel! I enjoyed the story very much and ready to see how the next chapter unfolds.

    • Sam Pakan on May 9, 2019 at 11:02 pm
    • Reply

    I am working feverishly, Anita. I promise.

      • Sam Pakan on July 27, 2022 at 3:41 pm
      • Reply

      BTW Anita, I believe that at the time you asked this question, the book I was working on was abandoned–well, at least 90% of it was abandoned. I kept it for a year or two to use as source material but finally deleted it. The new and improved Book 2 has been completed, and I’m doing a final edit. I hope you enjoy it!

    • Morrow on December 11, 2019 at 4:21 pm
    • Reply

    I too am waiting for the sequel. Amazing book; I had to fight with myself to put it down. Fantastic read!

      • Sam Pakan on March 31, 2020 at 9:07 pm
      • Reply

      Thank you so much!

      • Sam Pakan on July 27, 2022 at 3:43 pm
      • Reply

      The publisher hasn’t yet sheduled production, but I have hopes it might be out before Christmas! Thanks for your interest!

    • Vincent Koelzer on June 28, 2021 at 12:29 am
    • Reply

    Sam I have enjoyed reading your book. I would like to know what happens next! Thanks sir.

      • Sam Pakan on September 20, 2021 at 6:04 pm
      • Reply

      I’m working on it, Vince. Thanks so much for reading the first book of my series.!

        • Sam Pakan on July 27, 2022 at 3:49 pm
        • Reply

        Book 2 is on the way, though I don’t yet have a date. Stay tuned!

    • Sam Pakan on July 2, 2024 at 10:24 pm
    • Reply

    Book 2 is out and available on Amazon, Gutenbooks, Barnes and Nobel, Books A Million and most other book retailers. Thanks for the interest!

    • Mike Failing on July 22, 2024 at 10:17 pm
    • Reply

    Just finished “Jesse’s Seed” and will start on “A Bed in Sheol” first thing tomorrow. You definitely have the gift. Hope to see more from you in the future. Would you mind penning the horses so we could ride in the morning? Maybe we could shoot prairie dogs in the afternoon. Is it duck season yet? Okay, I understand the wild turkeys are pets and are not to be disturbed. Hope you’re smiling…I am.

    • Sam Pakan on July 30, 2024 at 7:29 pm
    • Reply

    Hey Mike! Thanks so much for reading my books! I’m all set for a prairie dog hunt, so come on out!

    • Sam Pakan on July 30, 2024 at 7:41 pm
    • Reply

    By the way, Mike, I’ve actually considered trying a muscle car restoration. I’m thinking a moss green Cyclone might be a good project car. What say you?

    • Mike Failing on August 17, 2024 at 5:01 pm
    • Reply

    1968 Mercury Cyclone GT…absolutely! Hope you’ll take me for a spin when it’s finished. I’m planning a road trip to Colorado in September. Could we have lunch in Amarillo? The chicken fried steak at Youngblood’s Cafe is still my favorite.

    • Sam Pakan on August 19, 2024 at 7:14 pm
    • Reply

    Mike, I’m unable to leave an email address here, but you can reach me on Facebook, if your account is still active.

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Lit Professor recommends Jesse’s Seed for classroom use

I received a review copy as an English professor for consideration in college curriculum. I would definitely recommend this novel for the beauty of the writing and the depth of probing the human condition. Many young people will relate to the dissonance in David’s life and the tough choices he must make. In addition, the …

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Grace Dolak endorses Jesse’s Seed

Jesse’s Seed is a compelling story told well. I was drawn into David’s world, a world initially characterized by doubt and confusion, but which gained clarity as David discovered his true identity and pursued his destiny, a destiny much greater than he himself could have imagined possible. David’s story is a story of the triumph …

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Maryann Spikes suggests Jesse’s Seed

This book makes me wish I had unlimited time to binge-read. Intelligent, suspenseful, spiritually and psychologically probing, inhabited with characters whose too-real struggles you want to continue resolving. I don’t want to give away too much, but this novel does what my favorite novels do: make you love the one you originally resent. I most …

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